The Science and Art of Deep Water Running

CCarson October 13, 2023 6:01 PM

Deep water running is more than just a passing fitness fad. It's a science-backed method of exercise that not only provides a full body workout, but also offers numerous health benefits. It's also an art, requiring mastery of form and technique to fully reap its rewards. Whether you're an athlete, someone seeking weight loss, or just looking for a new way to stay fit, deep water running could be your answer.

What is Deep Water Running?

Deep water running, also known as aquatic jogging, is a form of exercise that involves running in the deep end of a pool without touching the bottom. It requires a flotation belt to keep you afloat, and the resistance of the water provides a challenging workout.

The Science Behind Deep Water Running

Research has shown that deep water running can provide a cardio workout as effective as running on land, while simultaneously reducing impact stress on the joints. This makes it an ideal exercise for cross training, rehabilitation after injury, or for individuals with joint issues.

The Art of Deep Water Running

While it may seem straightforward, there's an art to deep water running. It requires specific techniques to maintain form and maximize the workout. Here's how to do it:

  • Keep your body vertical: Unlike swimming, you should keep your body upright during deep water running. Leaning forward can stress your lower back.

  • Use a full range of motion: Engage your entire body, not just your legs. Use your arms to help propel you forward in the water.

  • Maintain a steady pace: It's easy to slow down in the water. Focus on maintaining a consistent pace to keep your heart rate up.

Deep Water Running vs. Land Running

Deep Water Running Land Running
Impact Low High
Cardiovascular workout High High
Muscle tone High Moderate
Risk of injury Low Higher

Tips for Deep Water Running

  • Wear a flotation belt: This helps keep your body vertical and allows you to focus on your form.

  • Use water shoes: These can provide additional traction and stability.

  • Take a class or hire a coach: If you're new to deep water running, consider taking a class or hiring a coach to ensure you're using proper technique.

Deep water running offers a unique combination of cardiovascular exercise, muscle toning, and low impact training. Whether you're a seasoned athlete looking for cross training, recovering from an injury, or simply seeking a new fitness routine, deep water running is worth diving into.

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